Monday, July 6, 2009

Quick update

I'm trying to put all these posts in chronological order, but I felt like sharing a story that happened tonight...

After a long day of walking around in the rain, I picked up a beer at the grocery store on the way home. They had a few imported US brands, budweiser, busch, etc, and a few I had heard of. The US imports were really over-priced: $NT 289 ($9 US) for a 4-pack of Busch? no thank you. So I bought a bottle of the local brew: Taiwan Beer.
As soon as I got home I realized that the cap was not a twist-off, and that I did not have an opener. After a few minutes of searching around I remembered that I got some bottle opener souvenirs to give as gifts before the trip.

So yes, I opened a bottle of Taiwan Beer with a Texas-shaped bottle opener. and I've only been here 3 days.

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